Tuesday, August 14, 2012

a fantasy

Yes, I was elated for she was with me. That was for a day only and I wished it was longer. But only that I realized we were just having a fantasy.

Today, I kiss her passionately. I hold her tightly. I look at her face while she sleeps deeply. But tomorrow I will know that she'd be gone. No more. But what is more hurting is that it happens fast-- cold turkey. It is like a single blink of  the eyes.

Did it ever occur to you that when you thought she was the one given for you, then all of a sudden, at the end of the day you would finally find out that she was just like a fallen withered leaf following the current of a raging river then stuck at the ripple of water. And when the current was strong again, it would automatically leave  from the ripple and continued to head far nowhere.

How far can you chase and follow? 

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