Monday, August 8, 2011

Uncle Ugly

Everywhere he goes, one distinct feature on his face is what people see most often. He has this line from the cheek going down his jaw. It is so obvious that anyone can recognize it even from afar. In his community, most people tag him as Uncle Ugly. For almost a decade of his life, he has been dubbed with this name.

The people don't know how he got his scar. The people have no idea how he had suffered from the scar he has on his face. The people criticize him. The people are mean to him.

His story goes like this:

Ten years ago, there were two men who tried to abduct his daughter. They almost raped her. But because he fought hard with these two men, he was able to prevent the bad incident that would have happened to his daughter. He gave his last drop of blood and energy just to protect his daughter's dignity. In the end, the two men went to jail, however, the scar on his face was a poignant remembrance from fighting for his daughter.

Now, would you also call him Uncle Ugly?

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