Wednesday, October 26, 2011

an unforgiving heart

Why it is not easy to forgive and let go of the feelings we have for the people that once we truly loved and  cared?  

Once, twice, many times I had been stabbed at my back by the people I loved and treasured most. After long friendships and relationships, all of a sudden, only a moment of betrayal turned my heart into smithereens. How fragile my heart had been! Delicate that most of the times, I had hardly forgiven the people whom I considered close to me most.

It is really difficult to forgive.  

It is pride that hinders most individuals not to forgive. It is the ego that drives them to harden their originally-soft-turned-into-stone hearts. An unforgiving heart is a dangerous one. It may ruin the body, mind, and soul. It can cause havoc into someone's life. Yet, trading pride to forgiveness is an easier resort rather than living a life as if carrying the whole world with us.

When our hair is grown, we have our hair trimmed not our head. Likewise, when there are fights and quarrels, cut the pride, not the relationship. 

Choose we this day what to keep: an unforgiving heart or a loving one?

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