Sunday, September 25, 2011

love and mosquito

A woman friend of mine told me earlier this morning, "It happened again. My friend experienced it again. Why it had to happen to most women around me?"

I answered back, "You are you. You are not them. Don't compare yourself to them because you are different from them. Don't mirror yourself at them because each has her line of destiny in love."

She retold how her friends being abandoned by the men of their lives. She even disclosed that her close relative experienced a sort of 'failed relationship.'

I advised her to open the doors of her heart out. I continued, "How could you find someone good if your heart is close? How could you look at the beauty of a scene if your eyes are shut?" I also added not to judge all men being not good. "Don't be a man-hater," I ended. 

But she further noted, "Actually, my door is open still. Only, it has some screens to protect my heart from mosquitoes. These insects are parasitic; after sucking blood from you, when they are so full, they leave you unnoticed."

In the pursuit of love, you have to risk so that in the end you can find a not 'perfect' but 'good' partner whom you could cherish life forever.

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