Sunday, July 7, 2013

for the sake of family

He opens the cabinet. But after opening it, he gets glued in front leaning his head to one of the edges of the door. He is caught on thinking of something...

Benjy is 35 years old. He hasn't gotten married yet. He works hard to earn a living for his family. He's the first born in his family. His father died when he was 7.

All his life he has been working like a carabao in the field-for the sake of his family. He has set aside his dream of becoming a singer. If he doesn't work, his family will not eat anymore. His younger siblings are still in college. He is just the only one who supports them. Sometimes, when he gets home after work, he lays his back on a couch and dozes off unconsciously.

Suddenly, the alarm clock rings loudly. It's time to get prepared for work.

In this world where we live in, some of us unload their dreams to carry the reality of life. Instead of living their dreams, they prioritize the need for their family. Some even have forgotten their dreams sadly for the sake of family.

How many of us are like Benjy? There are things that we would really like to do but we set them aside for the sake of the people we love.

Have we lost our dreams? Have we forgotten them? Have we given them up? 

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