Saturday, February 16, 2013



Yes, that is the best way on how to describe people who put their esteem in the abysmal ocean. Truly pathetic!

One man tries to win back his ex-girlfriend who has already another boyfriend. This man hopes that in the end he can still win the heart of the one he still loves. But the problem is that the woman is happy now with someone else. Pathetic!

One man now begs for alms from unknown people. He used to be famous and rich. But because of vices and caprices, he plunged down into bankruptcy, after which, he got a problem mentally. Pathetic! Good thing his friends still know him. They're the one who are helping him out at the moment.

One man lost his sexual organ because of promiscuity. His partner sliced it with a knife while he was sleeping after knowing that he had been meeting not only one but three other women. Pathetic! Can he still womanize?

One man was axed from his job after he was caught red-handed by his boss. He stole money from the bank where he worked. Now, he spends sleepless nights behind bar trying to figure out how he could go out after being sentenced into lifetime imprisonment. Pathetic!

Are you also pathetic? 

Stop being one! You live only once. Make use of your time wisely, usefully, and happily. Disregard the things that will ditch you into really deep anxiety and crucifying misery. 

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