Tuesday, January 7, 2014


If you can only stop that ticking clock that you hear... yet each tick is a reminder that you are getting older. If it only moved counterclockwise even for a short period of time... each move would make you younger. But in reality, it goes circularly from 1 to 12. If it finishes until 12, it goes to 1 again. If you can only take the battery out but you won't because you'll lose track of time.

Time is unstoppable so as your age. It goes up and up until such time that you depart from this world. No matter how rich you are you cannot buy life. You can extend it for a short time but you will still come to a reality called 'end.' No matter how beautiful your skin is, there will come a time that that wrinkles until it becomes saggy and old.

Time doesn't repeat moments, only chances. There could be other chances but different circumstances. Enjoy being young. If there is a good opportunity to grab while you are still young, seize it as it may never happen again. 

Youth-hood is a beautiful gift to savor. There are many things you could do while you are young that you can no longer do when your old and weak. Youth-hood is like a fully-red lustrous crunchy-looking apple under its tree. You  hesitate to pick it because of its beauty.

While you are still on your youth, make the most out if. Sooner you will be out of use. Sooner you will overripe. If nobody picks you, you will eventually fall under your tree naturally .

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