Friday, September 30, 2011

my way or no way

One holiday morning, I headed up north to experience the culture and lifestyle of the province. I lodged in a mediocre hotel and stayed there for 2 nights.   In my short stop there, one significant thing caught up my attention . The entire area forbade smoking. As I entered into a guys toilet, my nose began to smell the strong cigarette smoke. It was really worse. I held my breath and almost did not sniff for a few seconds. As I look onto the wall, a sign was posted: "NO SMOKING."

"It's either my way, or no way." This is a common saying from people who are stubborn. They just think of themselves, thus, they don't mind the welfare of others. As long as it's good on their part even if it risks others, they still push through and enjoy it.

Stubbornness originates from insensitivity. Insensitivity comes from lack of understanding. Lack of understanding evolves from stupidity.    


Anonymous said...

Yeah! And we don't know if they did that with a purpose or they are just soooo stupid and not thinking the result !grrrr!

BEN is my name! said...

hehehe...calm down...hihihi