Wednesday, April 6, 2011

did you have sex...?

A 44-year-old man was at the peak of his life. He perceived that his life was at its best at that moment. He met this young woman, 25, whom he exuberantly wanted to spend eternity with. For all the failed relationship he had had, this one, he thought of settling for good. Being a chef in a posh restaurant, he bought a house and filled with some furniture on it. He also planned to have kids of his own with this young lady.

For just a season, he had cherished the moments he had with this lady. Everything went well with them. They were so unbreakable.

Until one day, while on a taxi, the lady asked the man, "Did you have sex with the woman we have met a while back?" There was silence for a few minutes, and then the taxi pulled over. The woman went out, all of a sudden, hardly breathing who seemed like choking. The man went out immediately after to chase after her. It was too late, the woman had a terrible heart disease. In his arms, cuddling a breathless lady whom he dreamed of having a life with. It was all shattered; life was no more to hold. In front of him was death and regret.

1 comment:

iris said...

that's awful.....just when he thought life's gonna be perfect...tsk...tsk...tsk...