Thursday, September 6, 2012

joy in the rain

The rain pours like there are no more other rainy days. 

I can't feel but melancholic when rain falls from heaven. It brings me good memories of my past. 

When I was a kid, I used to play in the rain with the kids in my neighborhood. I danced, ran, and frolicked in the rain until it stopped from pouring. It was good to dive into the river, where my home was near, from a not-so- high cliff . Undressing like no one would seem to care was just fine at that time. Playing with paper boats swept by a river or a stream was a pure joy in the old days. These were such treasured memories that I would cherish for the rest of my life.

It was then that I felt much bliss--free from any worries of life.

I have grown up but my longingness to play in the rain is still there. Who cares if I make mirth in the middle of falling cold drops of water from above? Later, I will take off my slippers and shirt and put on a merriment that only the rain could give.

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