Tuesday, August 21, 2012

the broken promise

"Son, I promise to buy you a guitar when all my tasks are done. Just stay put."

This was 25 years ago when a father made a promise to his son up a hill near their house. Everything was well with the family at that time. But eventually events were not in favor to the family. Their business had  turned into bankruptcy. The father went through  difficult times that made him lose his sanity. The guitar flew away and was never a reality, but the son grew up with that promise his father told him at that day.

Now, the son is a grown up man. He has his family of his own. One day, he goes up to that hill again with his young son. "I am giving you this guitar because I know that your heart is into music," declares the father to his son handing the guitar in his son's hands. He adds, "Always remember son that even when your father is gone, better not promise to anyone than saying one without doing it."

The son's smile cannot be painted. After a while, he hugs his father and says, "Ok, I won't father."

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