Tuesday, August 16, 2011

joey and joey's kid

When Joey was a kid he used to play   marbles, and rubber bands or outside the house like hide and seek, batting ball, etc. He frequently visited a river to have fun with his classmates some kilometers away from his house. He was enthusiastic whenever he saw his father or mother plant vegetables in their garden. His mother usually made some delicacies only made in their hometown. He got to watch TV programs in his grandmother's house because only a few families could afford to have TV at that time. When he got home with his mom, he used  a torch-like light to lead their path.

Now Joey's kid just stays inside the house playing video and computer games. His kid always insists to swim in a resort near their house. His kid doesn't know how to plant vegetable because he is enrolled in a private elite school. His kid usually eats spaghetti, pizza, or fried chicken, or any food from a fast food chain.This kid also has his own TV inside his room and can see anything without anyone's supervision. Sometimes, he also gets to watch movies inside a cinema.

Some years have passed by. Joey notice some changes in his environment's way of living. But one thing is for sure that would always remain in his memory: he was able to live a fruitful and healthy childhood. 

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