Wednesday, May 11, 2011

coins in my pocket

Was there a time in your life that you only had 2 ten coins in your pocket left?

Yes, this was true to me a few years back. There was a time that these two coins sustained me for a day.

I was new to my job. I only had enough money for a month but I paid an advance for the rent of my apartment. So the budget for my allowance was cut. One day before the payroll, all my monies were gone. I was not familiar with the people around me so I hesitated to borrow from them. My stomach tried to test me. For some hours, I kept it empty. Until evening came and I was still in search of a penny.  I wasn't able to see a coin nor even a single cent in the house. I tried to rummage for money on my tables, in my bags, and luckily, I found coins inside my pockets. Pathetically, these were the only money I had for a day.In a flash, I went straight to a convenience store and bought a cup of noodles for my dinner.

Now that my work is stable, I have more than enough what I need. But if I am to look back the day I ran out of penny, I just make a soliloquy, "Thank God for giving me those pennies."

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